Habitat I – Forum Document Archive
The Document Archive of the Non-Governmental Organization Forum (the “Habitat Forum”) contains primary reports, speeches scripts, newsletters, newspaper articles, books and promotional materials that were made publicly available during the time of the Forum. These digital materials have been scanned from physical records located at the University of British Columbia Archives, University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections, the City of Vancouver Archives, and from the personal archives of Vancouver-based informants. Where digital images are distorted, this is due to the limitations of the scanning technology and techniques permitted by the Archives so as not to damage the original documents. All documents have been converted with optical character recognition in order to make them searchable.
Habitat Guide No 2, May 6 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Guide No 3, May 31 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Forum: Your Guide To The People’s Conference On Human Settlements (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Corp. interests make lie of Habitat, Donald Gutstein, Georgia Straight, February 12-19 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Habitat Forum: An Alternative, Nancy Southam, The Ubysess, March 26 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Conference Realized The Future, Stephen Hume, The Vancouver Sun, May 11 1996 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Park board faces dilemma at Jericho, Jake Van Der Kamp, The Vancouver Sun, May 18 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Creation Of Forum Is Success Story Of Habitat, Malcolm Gray, The Globe and Mail, May 26 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Forum’s use of wood could be a blueprint for future scarcity, Joan Haggerty, Georgia Straight, May 27-June 3 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Pavilion, Forum Preservation Sought, Jericho, May 28 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
One of These Days: What Is Habitat, Allan Fotheringham, The Vancouver Sun, May 28 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Habitat attracting some big-league names, Tim Traynor, The Vancouver Sun, May 29 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Will Hot Air Ever House The Poor, Pat Crooke, Sunday Times, June 6 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Jericho Conference Realized The Future, Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun, May 11 1996 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
One of These Days: Allan Clapp, Allan Fotheringham, The Vancouver Sun (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Al Clapp: The Irresistible Force of Habitat, Allen Garr, Vancouver (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Officialdom frets as ‘freaks’ build B.C. showplace, Judith Timson, Toronto Star (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Kids Get Stuck On Habitat (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Energy Approaches For A Liveable Planet, Maurice F. Strong (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
First Nations Panel Transcription by Lindsay Brown for the Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Note: 25 video recordings of the panel are available on the Habitat Conferences Digital Archive Youtube channel, under playlist “Habitat I – Forum and Miscellaneous Videos“, which are duplicates of the original videos posted by the Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture.
Informational Booklet: Improving The Quality Of Life For The Handicapped In The World’s Settlements (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
La Industria De La Desconstruccion, Eduardo Terrazas, Raymundo Cuervo, Nuevas Alternativas/New Alternatives (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
Rural Settlements In Developing Countries, Hassan Fathy (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
The Habitat Of The Poor, Jorge Hardoy (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
The Industry Of Deconstruction, Eduardo Terrazas, Raymundo Cuevo, Nuevas Alternativas/New Alternatives (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
Women And Environments: An Overview Of An Emerging Field, Rebecca Peterson, Gerda Wekerle, David Morley, May 1976
(Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
Women: The Neglected Resource, Women’s Resources Centre (Association in Canada Serving Organizations for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Library, Rare Books & Special Collections).
Jericho Issue 2, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 1 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 3, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 2 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 4, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 3 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 5, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 4 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 6, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 7 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 7, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 8 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 8, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 9 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 9, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 10 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 10, NGO Committee for Habitat, June 11 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Jericho Issue 11 (Post Conference Issue), NGO Committee for Habitat, June 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Forum Theme Song: Side B (with vocals) immediately followed by Side A (without vocals), Unknown Artists, 1976 (Museum of Vancouver).