Habitat I – Document Archive
The Document Archive of the Habitat I Conference contains national reports, speeches scripts, press releases, newsletters, newspaper articles, books and promotional materials that were made publicly available during the time of the Conference. These digital materials have been scanned from physical records located at the University of British Columbia Archives, the City of Vancouver Archives, and from various personal archives. Where digital images are distorted, this is due to the limitations of the scanning technology and techniques permitted by the Archives so as not to damage the original documents. All documents have been converted with optical character recognition in order to make them searchable.
Habitat World Number 2, Habitat Secretariat, April 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 3, Habitat Secretariat, April 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 4, Habitat Secretariat, June 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 5, Habitat Secretariat, August 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 6, Habitat Secretariat, October 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 7, Habitat Secretariat, December 1975 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 8, Habitat Secretariat, February 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 9, Habitat Secretariat, May 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulletin Number 10, Habitat Secretariat, August 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Why A Conference On Cities, UN Department of Public Information, August 1975 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat And Habitat Forum Preparations: Whom To Contact (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Facts, Canadian Habitat Secretariat, March 1976 (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
World Settlements: Perspectives/Panorama De L’Ubanisation Mondiale, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Volume 19, nos. 3/4, 1976 (J. David Hulchanski personal collection).
Background to Habitat, Canadian Habitat Secretariat, 1976 (J. David Hulchanski personal collection).
Background To Habitat, (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
What Is Habitat, Canadian Habitat Secretariat (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Conference Sites, Canadian Habitat Secretariat (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
A Glossary of Terms You Will Hear, Canadian Habitat Secretariat (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
The Reason Why, Canadian Habitat Secretariat (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Habitat Conference for Children and Youth: Daily Schedule (Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
United Nations General Assembly resolution 28-3128, UN Conference Exposition On Human Settlements, A/RES/28/3128, December 13 1973, downloaded from UN Documents at www.un-documents.net/a28r3128.htm.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 27-3001, UN Conference-Exposition On Human Settlements, A/RES/27/3001, December 15 1972, downloaded from UN Documents at www.un-documents.net/a27r3001.htm.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 3325, Habitat: UN Conference On Human Settlements, A/RES/3325, December 16 1975, downloaded from the World Legal Information Institute at www.worldlii.org/int/other/UNGA/1974/126.pdf.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 31-109, Habitat: UN Conference On Human Settlements, A/RES/31/109, December 16 1976, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at undocs.org/A/RES/31/109.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 31-115, UN Audio-Visual Information Centre On Human Settlements, A/RES/31/115, December 16 1976, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at undocs.org/A/RES/31/115.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 32-162, Institutional Arrangements For International Cooperation In The Field Of Human Settlements, A/RES/32/162, December 19 1977, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at undocs.org/A/RES/32/162.
Argentina: Documento Nacional Sobre Asentamientos Humanos (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bahrain: A Dynamic Approach To Human Settlements (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bangladesh: Human Settlements And Alternative Future Population Projections (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Belgique Rapport National (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Bulgaria: The System Habitation Of The Peoples Republic Of Bulgaria (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Canada: Habitat And Canadians, The Report Of The Canadian National Committee (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Colombia: Politica De Vivienda Y Desarrollo Urbano Instituto De Credito Territorial (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic: Publicity Brochure On The Territorial Planning Documentation In The CSSR (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
El Salvador: Informe Nacional Sobre Asentamientos Humanos (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Finland National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
France Rapport National (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
German Democratic Republic Report Part I: Socio-Political And Economic Conditions, Housing Construction And Town And Settlement Planning (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
German Democratic Republic Report Part II: Socio-Political And Economic Conditions, Housing Construction And Town And Settlement Planning Part II (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
German Democratic Republic: Settlement Policies, Town Planning, Housing Construction And Protection Of The Environment (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Honduras: Asentamientos Humanos (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
India Country Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Iran National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Iraq Pamphlet (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Israel: Settlement In Israel (Arabic) (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Israel: Settlement In Israel (English) (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Italy: Italian Participation At The Habitat Conference (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Kuwait: Human Needs In The Environment Of Human Settlements (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Libyan Arab Republic Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Luxembourg Contribution (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Maroc Rapport National (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Mauritanie Rapport National (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Mauritius Country Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Mexico (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Netherlands National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
New Zealand National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Palestine National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Poland National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Portugal National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Qatar: Development Of Human Settlement (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Somalia National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Thailand National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Trinidad and Tobago National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
United States Of America: Growth And Development Of Human Settlements (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
United Arab Emirates National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
United Kingdom: An Outline Of Planning (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics Country Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Venezuela (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Yugoslavia: Documents On The Human Settlements Policy (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Zambia National Report (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Zimbabwe National Report On Human Settlement (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Item 10 Global Review Of Human Settlements, United Nations, March 8 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Programmes For International Cooperation, United Nations, March 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 10 Physical Elements And Mobilization Of Human Resources, United Nations, March 22 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 10 Recommendations For National Action, United Nations, April 13 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 4 Annotations To The Provisional Agenda, United Nations, April 23 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 4 Annotations To The Provisional Agenda, United Nations, April 23 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Analysis Of Programmes Of The Organizations In The UN System In The Field Of Human Settlements, United Nations, May 3 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
UN Journal: Programme Of Meetings And Agenda, United Nations, May 31 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 9 Draft Declaration Of Principles, United Nations, June 5 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 9 Declaration Of Principles, United Nations, June 5 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 8 UN Water Conference, United Nations, June 6 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
UN Journal: Summary Of Meetings Committee 3, United Nations, June 8 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 7 Credentials Of Representatives To The Conference Report Of The Credentials Committee, United Nations, June 8 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 9 Report Of Committee 1, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Draft Report Of Committee 1, United Nations, June 9 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Report Of The First Committee Programmes For International Cooperation, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Programmes For International Cooperation Draft Resolution, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Programmes For International Cooperation, Report Of Committee 1, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Programmes For International Cooperation Report Of Committee 1 Addendum, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Item 11 Programmes For International Cooperation Report of Committee 1 Part 1, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
List Of Participants, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
UN Journal: Programme Of Meetings And Agenda, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Draft Report Of The Conference To The General Assembly, United Nations, June 11 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Report Of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, United Nations, August 1 1976, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at http://undocs.org/A/CONF.70/15.
UNEP GC 6. Add 1. Plan For And Anticipated Costs Of The Conference-Exposition, United Nations Environment Programme, April 12 1973, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at http://digitallibrary.un.org/record/508579?ln=en.
UNEP GC 6 Estimated Costs Of The Conference-Exposition, United Nations Environment Programme, June 14 1973, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at http://digitallibrary.un.org/record/508579?ln=en.
UNEP GC 18 Progress Report Of The Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, January 31 1974, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at http://digitallibrary.un.org/record/516462.
UNEP GC 63 Progress Report On Habitat, United Nations Environment Programme, January 28 1976, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/508627?ln=en.
UNEP GC 92 UN Conference Progress Report, United Nations Environment Programme, March 1 1977, downloaded from the UN Digital Library at http://digitallibrary.un.org/record/508443?ln=en.
Notes For An Address By J. A. Dougan, General Director Canadian Host Secretariat For Habitat, United Nations, September 18 1975 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Notes For An Address By Barney Danson To The Second Session Of The Preparatory Committee, United Nations, January 21 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Statement By Kurt Waldheim, UN Secretary General, At The Opening Of Habitat, United Nations, May 30 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Text Of Speech By Barney Danson, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, At The Opening Of Habitat, United Nations, May 30 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Statement By Enrique Peñalosa, Habitat Secretary General, United Nations, May 31 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Notes For The Prime Minister’s Speech At The Opening Of Habitat, Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, May 31 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
News From the Vancouver Symposium Lecture Series (Press Release): The Home Of Man and What Nations and The International Community Must Do, United Nations, June 1 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Barbara Ward Speech To Conference Plenary On June 1 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Habitat Conference For Children And Youth, Delegates to the Habitat Conference for Children and Youth, June 10 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Notes For Remarks By Jim MacNeil Canadian Commissioner General Of Habitat To Committee One On Proposed Institutional Arrangements, Canadian Habitat Secretariat, June 4 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
CBC And Radio Canada Present Coast To Coast In Canada, Canadian Habitat Secretariat, June 9 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Agreement Between The UN And Canada For The Establishment Of The UN Audio-Visual Library At UBC, Canadian Habitat Secretariat, June 11 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Canada Process For Recognition Of Indigenous Peoples Rights At Habitat, Canadian Habitat Secretariat (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Delegation Of Israel To Habitat, June 7 1976.
The International Center for the Human Environment Event in San Francisco, United Nations, June 9 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Round Up: UN Conference On Human Settlements Adopts Declaration and Recommendations, United Nations, June 11 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
World Goal Urged At Habitat Forum, Population Food Fund (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
The World Is A Ship And Everyone’s In Steerage, The Vancouver Sun, April 24 1976.
Habitat Set For Row on Land Usage, Peter Wilsher, Sunday Times, May 30 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Habitat: Toward Shelter, Frederick Gutheim, Vanguard, The Vancouver Art Gallery, June 1976 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Audio Visual Collection Offers New Directions For Teaching Research, UBC Reports, Vol 22/Number 40, November 17 1976 (Centre for Human Settlements fonds at the University of British Columbia Archives).
The Home Of Man, Barbara Ward, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
The Habitat Handbook 1980, Graham Searle, London: An Earth Resources Research Publication, 1980 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Steering Our Course Through The Greatest Convulsions in History, Barbara Ward (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Human Settlements: A Commonwealth Approach, Submission of the Joint Commonwealth Committee of Commonwealth Associations to Habitat (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Human Settlements Crisis And Opportunity, Barbara Ward, Canadian Ministry of State for Urban Affairs, January 1974 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Audio-Visual Facilities In Vancouver, Author Unknown, August 20 1975 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Audio-Visual: Focus on the Audio-Visual Programme of Habitat, Volume 1, No. 2, United Nations, November 1975 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
Audio-Visual: Focus on the Audio-Visual Programme of Habitat, Volume 2, No. 1, United Nations, March 1976 (H. Peter Oberlander fonds, the University of British Columbia Archives).
A-V Viewing Library Catalogue, University of British Columbia Centre For Human Settlements, 1980 (United Nations Conference on Human Settlements fonds at the City of Vancouver Archives).
Habitat Revisited, James Carney, February 2 2006 (James Carney personal papers).
Summary of Emails – ’76 UNCHS Films – Re Digitizing , James Carney, December 9 2007 (James Carney personal papers).
Appendix A – Explanatory Note and Update, James Carney, April 30 2010 (James Carney personal papers).
WUF/NFB-Habitat Legacy Project: Project Document, James Carney, April 3 2007 (James Carney personal papers).
Report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, A/CONF.70/15, United Nations, 1976 (downloaded from the United Nations Digital Library at undocs.org/A/CONF.70/15).
The Report includes:
• Chapter 1 (p. 6-14) the Declaration of Principles, also known as the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements
• Chapter II (p. 15-95) : Recommendations for National Action, also known as the Vancouver Action Plan: 64 Recommendations for National Action Approved at Habitat. These recommendations are organized in six sections. Section A (Settlements policies and strategies), Section B (Settlement Planning), Section C (Shelter, infrastructure and services), Section D (Land), Section E (Public Participation) and Section F (Institutions and Management)
• Chapter III – XVIII (p. 96-187): Recommendations for International Cooperation, preparations for the Conference, proceedings of the Conference, committee reports, closing ceremonies and annexes
Human Settlement In Canada, Hon. Barney Danson, May 1976 (J. David Hulchanski personal collection).
Human Settlement Issues 1: Habitat and Land, Len Gertler, Centre for Human Settlments, University of British Columbia Press, 1978 (J. David Hulchanski personal collection).
Summary and Observation on Proceedings of HABITAT 1976, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1976 (Lindsay Brown personal collection).
Settlement Planning and Development: a Strategy for Land Policy, Nathaniel Lichfield, Human Settlement Issues #4, 1980, (J David Hulchanski personal collection).
Land: the Central Human Settlement Issue, H. Peter Oberlander, Human Settlement Issues #7, 1985, (J David Hulchanski personal collection).
Habitat 76: The Hinge in a Decade of Change, H. Peter Oberlander, UBC Planning Papers, Canadian Planning Issue #21, December 1986, (J David Hulchanski personal collection).
